« Last post by Rodney9 on October 04, 2010, 05:28:07 am »
My conky, ( I am using the regular one that came with Pinguy ), does not show CPU, Mother or HD Temps and the Fan speed is irregular, see picture -
sensors in a terminal show -
~$ sudo sensors
Adapter: ACPI interface
Vcore Voltage: +1.06 V (min = +0.80 V, max = +1.60 V)
+3.3 Voltage: +3.34 V (min = +2.97 V, max = +3.63 V)
+5 Voltage: +5.06 V (min = +4.50 V, max = +5.50 V)
+12 Voltage: +11.98 V (min = +10.20 V, max = +13.80 V)
CPU FAN Speed: 2481 RPM (min = 600 RPM)
CHASSIS1 FAN Speed: 0 RPM (min = 600 RPM)
CHASSIS2 FAN Speed: 0 RPM (min = 600 RPM)
POWER FAN Speed: 0 RPM (min = 600 RPM)
CPU Temperature: +30.0?C (high = +60.0?C, crit = +95.0?C)
MB Temperature: +37.0?C (high = +45.0?C, crit = +95.0?C)
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0: +44.0?C (high = +78.0?C, crit = +100.0?C)
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 1: +38.0?C (high = +78.0?C, crit = +100.0?C)