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Art-General / Re: Wallpaper Created By Me For PinguyOS
« Last post by jason on September 27, 2010, 10:44:14 am »
hey there speedbus,

thanks for the contribution good work.

Off Topic / better than Gwibber
« Last post by yugnip on September 26, 2010, 05:44:51 pm »
Anyone else of the opinion that Gwibber is bunk? Recently tried Hotot, which i found via:

It's miles ahead of Gwibber, and much closer to what we should expect from this sort of app. Give it a go and you'll be impressed. It's currently alpha, but works quite well. And there's already a ppa set up, proving the need for better twit clients.
On Topic / Re: "libnotify 0.2.1" updated to "Indicators for Thunderbird 1.1"
« Last post by yugnip on September 26, 2010, 05:13:08 pm »
Works as described. Nice.
On Topic / Re: difference between pinguy 10.04.02 and branded version
« Last post by yugnip on September 26, 2010, 04:00:10 pm »
Haha. You have seen it before, but not in this form. I't Bill Crosby evil-ified, which means it's been 'gimped' (that's FOSS lingo for 'photoshopped'). I like the 'horn's' coming from his head. A friend made it and sent it to me as I was signing up here on the forums-- so it stuck.
On Topic / Re: difference between pinguy 10.04.02 and branded version
« Last post by Pinguy on September 26, 2010, 03:36:01 pm »
Thanks yugnip. Yeah I should also mention that all of the programs on there are newer. Plus I sorted out the repositories. So yeah, it is an improvement over the old version. But I don't think its such a big improvement that if people are happy with un-branded they should update to this version.

yugnip what is your avatar? For the life of me I can't remember where I have seen it. I am pretty sure its from a game, but could be wrong.
On Topic / Re: difference between pinguy 10.04.02 and branded version
« Last post by yugnip on September 26, 2010, 03:31:55 pm »
The branded version is a big improvement on the non-branded version. Seems to be faster, more fluid, and less buggy (though there weren't many bugs before).  And the extra compiz stuff.... windows that turn into paper airplanes never cease to make me chuckle.
On Topic / Re: difference between pinguy 10.04.02 and branded version
« Last post by watanabe on September 26, 2010, 11:48:51 am »
ok, thanks
On Topic / Re: difference between pinguy 10.04.02 and branded version
« Last post by Pinguy on September 26, 2010, 11:30:30 am »
No, if you are runnning un-branded then there is no need to upgrade to the branded version.
Someone asked me if I could build a version of Pinguy OS for flash development (you can download it here), so I thought while I am doing that I might as well do a updated version of Pinguy OS 10.04 using my logo. There are a couple of things different but not much. I have added VirtualBox video drivers (3D effects still don't work but the driver is working to get a good screen resolution), compiz extra plugins and libdvdcss2 (DVD play back) and fixed the bug with the updater. Plus I have added every driver firmware file that can be added to Ubuntu from the repositories.
On Topic / difference between pinguy 10.04.02 and branded version
« Last post by watanabe on September 26, 2010, 09:34:44 am »
Hi, I'm not English speaker and I can't understand which is the difference between the "normal" version and the branded? It's necessary or important install the branded version?

thanks  :)
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