Hello PinguyOS community,
After using PinguyOS I felt that I should help out... by creating a private run mirror for PinguyOS
The Link To The Mirror Is :> When A New Version of PinguyOS is out.. and if its not on the mirror.. just send me a PM (any one !)
--> I was also impressed by your forums.. my own distro's forums are not too active :-(
--> If any one in the community has their own OS (distro) / or wants to help me with my (
www.linuxshark.info) you can PM me for mirroring it for helping me with LinuxShark..
Happy To Help Any One Here With Any problem with PinguyOS or LinuxShark (
www.linuxshark.info) :-)
About The Mirror :
Location : UK
Network Speed : 100 MBPS
Min. Download Speed (UK to UK) : 13 MBPS [TESTED !!!]