I hope this is not going to be a monologue...

I disabled all graphical features, turnt off all animations and so on. I have only a title bar on my desktop. The problem never occured in idle state so far, but the cpu fan does not work as in other systems (I think this is a feature?), so the cooler is getting hot with the time. (At some point the fan is working, the cpu is not melting

This point is interesting. If I start ANY application which takes some cpu (let it be vlc, nautilus, docky, even conky, ...) the system goes to 100%. The badass process seems to be gnome-wm. The system monitor says, that approximately 75% are light blue, 25% are dark blue. On a friend's computer (with ubuntu) light color means "waiting for resources/devices" or something like that.
So I tried to change some system settings to effect gnome. Ubuntu Tweak enabled me to change the window-manager. I changed from "gnome-wm" to "Xorg". After a reboot I thought to have solved the problem, because my computer let me play approximately 5 minutes of a fullscreen video. Then the same symptoms like above. *arg*
Does someone recognize this problem?
[sorry for my English, I'm from Germany]