Author Topic: HOWTO: Connect to PinguyOS IRC  (Read 619 times)

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HOWTO: Connect to PinguyOS IRC
« on: September 02, 2010, 03:21:34 pm »
IRC stands for "Internet Chat Relay", essentially it is a chat room where people can get together and talk. It is very useful if you need some real time support with an issue instead of just making a forum post. Connecting to the PinguyOS channel is easy enough can be done in one of the following to ways:

From PinguyOS

1.) Click on your main menu, upper left hand corner of the screen by default, and launch the application called XChat

2.) When the server list appears search for the one labeled Freenode and select connect

3.) A window will appear asking you what channel you want to join. Enter #pinguyos and press ok

Without XChat/from Windows/OSX/Anything

1.) Install Firefox

2.) Install the Chatzilla Addon for Firefox

3.) Load Chatzilla from your Firefox Menu by selecting Tools->Chatzilla

4.) From the list of available networks, select Freenode

5.) Once you are connected type /join #pinguyos

If you plan to frequent the channel (and you all should!) be sure to register a nickname on Freenode. Enjoy IRC everyone :D

~Jeff Hoogland