As most of you already know you can do a bunch of stuff right from within the Menu, like uninstalling programs, adding them to favorites, creating shortcuts or even making them start at boot. A cool feature was that you could install new packages by simply typing their name and clicking the Install this package button. The problem was that you had to know the exact package name in order to do that. Otherwise, you would have to select the "search the repositories" option to find what you were looking for.
It is not the case anymore, as the new and improved mintMenu (that will be default in Pinguy OS 10.10) digs deep into APT and fetches, almost in realtime, all the packages that have the word you were looking for connected to them.
But this is not the only improvement. You can now perform Google and Wikipedia searches, look for Tutorials, etc.
As a video always does a better job explaining things than me, here it is! Enjoy! you would like to try the new menu now just download these two packages and install them. it is completed, logout and log back in again and it should be ready to serve you.