Install Rhythmbox on PinguyOS or update it if its already installed.. and try.. the usb manager.. and check if it at least recogonises if there is a storage medium plugged in.. and then open Rhythmbox and it should work..
my external usb hard disc is always plugged in, this recognises fine and rhythmbox is working perfectly. The problem is before opening rhythmbox.
On stock ubuntu i would connect my iphone to my pc via usb and ubuntu would acknowledge the iphone has been connected. this is not the case with PinguyOS. I connect my phone via USB and PinguyOS doesn't acknowledge it has been plugged in. (although the phone knows it has been connected to a usb source as it starts to charge). Its the OS that doesn't know it has been connected.
Other USB devices are working fine. WiFi Adaptor, USB Stick, 2 External USB Hard discs.
I was going to suggest that it could be a faulty ipod usb cable, but i have tried 2. so i know this is not the case. Also the fact the phone starts charging once connected to a usb port.