Author Topic: Ubuntu Lags Behind in 3D performance  (Read 497 times)

Offline Jeff

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Ubuntu Lags Behind in 3D performance
« on: September 18, 2010, 02:20:21 pm »
I recently multi-booted the crap out of my main gaming rig with 9 different Linux distros so I could run 3D stress tests between them all and see how they perform. They all scored fairly close, except for Ubuntu, which was 10% lower than my top scoring distro.

The full statistics can be found on my website here.

Why do you think Ubuntu performs so poorly?


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Re: Ubuntu Lags Behind in 3D performance
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2010, 05:40:42 am »
Running 9 OS's on 1 system. puts a lot of load on the hdd especially for swap if its not too big.. + ubuntu has a good.. gui by its self and consumes a minimum of 512 MB RAM.. depends on how much you loaded the system.. and how much ram you have.

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Re: Ubuntu Lags Behind in 3D performance
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 04:18:48 am »
When it comes to what runs the fastest or the best you do have to run the test on your PC to know for sure. I can say for my current PC Debian / Debian Mint and Ubuntu Tutik  Remix have run the best on my PC. The main reason for Ubuntu Tutik Remix running so well is they strip down the gnome DE to achieve this which is fine with me since I do not need all the things Ubuntu loads by default. So my personal choice will be one of those 2. It does not make them better than any other Distro but for me it helps me decide which one to run on my PC. And there you have it reality vs. perception and in the end that's all that matters.  ;)
My PC: AMD Athlon x2 2.3Ghz / DDR2 4GB / HDD 250GB / GeForce GTX 260 896MB / Dell 20" LCD / Corsair 850 PSU

Offline Jeff

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Re: Ubuntu Lags Behind in 3D performance
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 11:28:29 pm »
Running 9 OS's on 1 system. puts a lot of load on the hdd especially for swap if its not too big.. + ubuntu has a good.. gui by its self and consumes a minimum of 512 MB RAM.. depends on how much you loaded the system.. and how much ram you have.

The idea that the number of operating systems on your computer/number of partitions slows down the hard drive is just rather foolish. In fact - the smaller the partition size your operating system is on, the quicker it can call up data.

Plus even if your false assumption was true, it would slow down all the operating systems equally - thusly still making the findings valid.

Plus my test system is fairly powerful, 4gig DDR3 RAM and a 640gb hard drive.
