The 'upper bar' that you refer to is known as a panel. PinguyOS is using a mix of Gnome desktop (the upper panel) and Docky (the dock on the bottom and left-hand side).
For Docky just click on the Docky icon in the dock on the bottom. A preference panel will pop up, and you can change the theme for each individually, or both docks.
Otherwise, Gnome is somewhat customizable by navigating to the menu, preferences, appearance. There you can poke around and you may be able to come up with your desired result. If you look around here on the forums you'll find a screenshot thread that may give you some good ideas on tweaking Gnome, or abandoning it altogether for a different desktop manager like AWN. A little reading is warranted for a general understanding of how this stuff works though. And there is plenty of reading out there, as well as some great tutorials.
The system display on the right is Conky. If you haven't already, check out some of the threads here about it. If you want to stop it from automagically starting-up @ login, go to menu, preferences, startup applications, and uncheck Conky. To kill it right away (via Terminal):
killall conky
If you don't want it on your system at all, simply uninstall it.